Roxy Borger
Roxy works with yoga and fitness studios to bring more profitability, retention, and joy to their businesses through Fit Biz Rox Consulting and Education. She’s worked with Mindbody customers since 2005—created Mindbody University (MBU) Business Intensive Events and the Mindbody Certified Business Consultant Program.
Roxy has worked with thousands of boutique studios—helping them be more data driven and retention focused, with strategies that are time tested and proven.
Roxy loves being a wellpreneur and working with the most driven, inspired people. She strives to always learn and connect with the soulful community as much as possible. She owns and operates two companies that enable her to do the work she loves. Fit Biz Rox Consulting focuses on profitable studio strategies and Slow Moves Rox focuses on movement, nature, and contemplation in and around San Luis Obispo, CA.
Roxy is a teacher at heart and loves sharing her experience as a studio owner, long time fitness business consultant, and former Mindbodyian. She holds a degree in mathematics and has a passion for metrics, spreadsheets, and helping studios focus on strategies that are most efficient and effective. Roxy is ready to be your partner in crime, project manager, and listening ear in helping you focus on what's most important to you and your studio.