Here are their must-reads:
1. Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller
Here’s what Business Consultant Connie Holen has to say about it:
This book is a great framework for how to tell your studio's story in a client-focused way. It'll guide you through writing your website and all other marketing materials in a way that feels authentic and resonates. Brand messaging is such a big topic, but this book is wonderful for helping you actually put words to paper. Tons of ideas after reading it!
2. Work the System by Sam Carpenter
Business Consultant Katie Santos highly recommends this book:
Most of us know that running a business with a set of procedures is the right way to go. Somehow, most of us don't get around to starting even one procedure; it seems like a daunting task! This book teaches you that crafting good procedures that make sense for your business starts with Strategic Objectives and Operating Principles that are specific to your business. I have read lots of “how to” procedure writing books that are bland and technical. This book shows you how to build the vision of your business and makes it easy to create systems that will save you time, money, and aggravation in your business!
3.Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy
Why Business and Software Consultant Crystal Zakaluzny loves it:
This book is filled with 21 tips to get more done in less time. We all have the same number of hours in a day, yet some are more productive than others. This book introduces so many amazing tips to be more productive, you are sure to find one that suits your style. Being more productive equals more time to do the things you love.
4. Small Giants by Bo Burlingham
Here’s what makes Business Consultant Roxy Borger recommend it:
I just read the book, and I keep finding myself referencing it to others. Small Giants is a book about questioning the “growth for growth’s sake” mentality in business and examining what really makes a small company “great.” I was inspired by the stories of several different types of businesses that struggled to keep their soul through different stages of evolution. A good plane read.
5. Great by Choice by Jim Collins
Business Consultant KK Hart shares why it’s her new favorite business book:
This is a timeless book that analyzes what makes the world’s best companies thrive—in even the most uncertain and chaotic times. Regardless of industry, I believe this book helps ensure we avoid the traps of day-to-day mindset and think about the core needs of the business and a more in-depth, strategic view. This allows you to be truly Great by Choice. It will change how you think of and act within your business!
6. Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing by Harry Beckwith
Business Consultant Marshall Evans on why it’s a must-read for anyone in the fitness, wellness, and beauty industries:
Selling the Invisible is a look at how to sell an intangible product (aka services such as yoga, massage, Pilates, etc.). This book teaches you how to sell your service—plus the steps you need to take to keep those customers coming back month after month. This book teaches you practical ways to convince your potential client you provide the service they desire, deserve, and care about. This book is like having a business coach in your pocket. I recommend reading it more than one time.
Now get your read on!
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