Let's Celebrate National Small Business Week
January 10, 2025
Happy Small Business Week! The beginning of May is an exciting time for small business owners like yourself. This week, the Small Business Association is celebrating its annual Small Business Week to recognize all the small business owners in the US and all their achievements and impact on creating new jobs, driving innovation, and increasing America’s global competitiveness.
Some quick facts about small businesses in the US:
There are 33.3 million small businesses in the US. Of those businesses:
38,477 are fitness studios
76,000 are beauty salons
4,000 are barber shops
21,000 are spas
More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create 2 out of every 3 new jobs in the US every year.
A shocking 36% of small businesses don’t have their own website. Need help creating a beautiful website for your small business? Check out our guide.
Facebook is the best home for small business. Facebook is leading among all the social websites with 90% of small businesses registered.
And if your small business isn’t on Instagram yet, you should create an account stat. Fifty percent of Instagram users say they follow their favorite businesses on the app.
Many small business owners are contributing to National Small Business Week through online panel discussions.
Are you in the mood to celebrate? We are!
We are proud to celebrate with all of the small businesses we work with and we’re excited to continue to showcase your success as a small business owner. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or are a freshly-minted entrepreneur, we have educational tools designed to set you and your small business up for success.