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Is Your Pricing Structure Maximizing Your Revenue?

By Sarah Lang

May 24, 2024

Pricing is a critical aspect of running any wellness business. But finding a pricing structure that maximizes your revenue can often be a balancing act between charging enough to cover your costs and generate a profit, while still keeping your services affordable enough to attract and retain customers.

Let’s explore some factors to consider when designing your pricing structure.

1. Know your costs

Before you can determine if your pricing structure is maximizing your revenue, you need to know your costs. Understanding your fixed and variable costs is essential in setting a profitable price point. Fixed costs include rent, utilities, and equipment expenses, while variable costs include staff salaries and marketing expenses.

To ensure you're covering your costs and generating a profit, your pricing structure should take into account both fixed and variable costs. Calculate your average monthly expenses and factor in the number of classes you offer per month to arrive at a minimum price that you would be willing to accept per client.

2. Know your client’s average monthly spend

By doing some quick math, you can determine whether you’re covering your costs with your current member base. If you’re not covering your costs, do you have the ability to increase your membership base? Or do you need to review your pricing strategy and limit any unnecessary expenses?

To calculate your client’s average monthly spend:

  • Run your Sales by Category report for a typical calendar month
  • Divide your total revenue for the month by the number of Active Clients your business has

3. Monitor your metrics

Ask yourself: Where am I losing clients in the sales process?  By running your KPIs each month, you can ensure your pricing and sales strategies are working effectively. Some key metrics to monitor include revenue, autopay sales, client conversion (from Intro Offer), and client retention rate. By tracking these metrics, you can determine whether your pricing is effective and make adjustments as needed.

4. Evaluate your competition and target market

While you don’t want to focus too much on your competition that we lose sight of your own unique offering, it’s important to consider your target market. Your pricing structure should reflect your target market's ability and willingness to pay.

Check out similar businesses in your area and see what they're charging for similar services. If your pricing is lower than your competitors, it may be worth increasing your prices slightly to reflect the value you offer. On the other hand, if your prices are higher than your competitors, you need to make sure you're providing a unique and exceptional service that justifies the higher price point.

5. Experiment with your pricing

Finally: Experiment! Test different price points and measure the results (yes, more KPIs!) to determine which pricing structure generates the most revenue for your business.

Remember, pricing is an ongoing process that requires constant evaluation and adjustment to ensure you’re charging the right amount for the value you provide.

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About the author:

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Sarah Lang

Mindbody-Certified Business Consultant

Smooth Sailing Consulting

I'm Sarah, a Mindbody-Certified Business Consultant, living in Melbourne, Australia. Having owned and managed a boutique Reformer Pilates studio, I know first-hand the challenges of running a small business. I offer long-term accountability coaching, as well as casual consultations for those who need specific advice or a one-off injection of inspiration. My specialties as a Mindbody Business Consultant (2020) include KPI analysis and strategic planning for growth.


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