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4 Tips to Help You Attract and Retain New Clients at Your Salon or Spa

By Denise Prichard

February 8, 2024

As a spa or salon owner or manager, you realise that attracting and retaining new clients can be one of your biggest struggles throughout the year. On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused multiple openings and closings in the beauty and wellness space, which could make getting these new clients to notice your business harder than ever.   

However, even in this "new normal," there are certain strategies you can embrace to ensure your business thrives even amid a pandemic. Here are four tips that will help you attract and retain new clients at your spa or salon: 

1. Provide a memorable experience   

Stellar customer service and attention to detail can go a long way in convincing your new clients to return to your salon or spa. Poor service is one of the fastest ways to lose a customer—in fact, 71% of consumers report ending a relationship with a company due to bad service. Begin with the basics: set standards for all your employees, listen to your clientele, and do your best to provide what they want. And don’t forget, a little customer appreciation can go a long way. Aim to go above and beyond with thoughtful touches like a free product, a discount on their next haircut or spa treatment, or the occasional complimentary add-on service. Remember—these don't have to be anything big (or costly for your business), just something for your clients to feel appreciated—and to get excited to rebook their next appointment. 

2. Offer a membership program  

Membership plans are one of the best ways to increase your salon’s or spa’s revenue every month —and they’re an easy way to help you turn a new customer into a loyal one. Not sure where to start? Take a page from Emerson Joseph’s membership playbook: structure your memberships like a gift card. “Our structure is similar to a gift card in the sense that you buy $1 value in services upfront. The way we run ours, there are four different levels or membership prices: silver, gold, platinum, and black,” says Zach Edwards, owner of Emerson Joseph.  

The salon’s most common membership is at the gold level, which requires customers to pay $800 upfront to get $1,000 worth of services over the course of the year. Although that is the most popular membership package, Edwards says he is seeing more and more people opt for a platinum membership, which allows clients to get $1,300 worth of services when they pay $1,000 upfront.

3. Stay top of mind 

Keeping in touch with your new clients is essential to ensuring they continue to book appointments with you—but it can be a daunting and time-consuming task when paired with the ins-and-outs of running a business. 

Automated email and text messages can help you stay in touch by sending appointment reminders, targeted promotions, and drip campaigns that slowly convince customers to come back again and again. They're even a great way to get online reviews from loyal clients who love your business and are eager to share their positive experience on Yelp or your spa or salon website. 

4. Make it easy for customers to schedule an appointment 

Nearly 40% of all bookings happen overnight, making it essential for your salon or spa to offer an online appointment booking option. Your spa or salon software should make it easy for first-time clients to book with your beauty business. Adding online scheduling capabilities can be a tremendous advantage because they make it possible to capture appointments at any time of day. Another great way to get exposure to the right kind of clients is by listing your spa or salon in the Mindbody app. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, 1.4 million beauty and wellness lovers are using the Mindbody app to discover and book with businesses just like yours.* Don't miss the opportunity to advertise to potential clients. 

See why consumers on the Mindbody app are exactly who you’re looking for. 

Even during the coronavirus pandemic, employing these tips at your salon or spa can help you attract new clients and encourage them to keep re-booking services at your business.

*Mindbody app August 2020 usage data  

Increase re-bookings with a few simple steps.

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About the author:

Denise Prichard

Manager, Marketing Content and Certified Yoga Instructor (RYT-200)


Denise Prichard is a certified yoga instructor (RYT-200) and an experienced content marketing professional with a penchant for writing compelling copy within the fitness, wellness, and beauty industries. When she isn't writing or editing, you can find her teaching yoga classes, pedaling her heart out at a spin class, or hanging out with her rescue pups. She currently serves as the marketing content manager for Mindbody.


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