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The 5 Email Automations You Should Be  Sending

By Lauren McAlister

August 31, 2023

The word ‘automation’ should be music to your ears if you’re a business owner or manager.  

Automation helps your business run more efficiently. It minimises time spent doing repetitive tasks—giving you more time to focus on doing what you love.  

When it comes to email marketing, automation might be your new best friend—I know it is for the fitness studio I run with my husband.  

Because while it makes sense to send some content in one-off campaigns, most recurring email communications can be set up once and sent automatically, based on a prospect or customer’s behaviour, interactions with your messages, visit history, important dates, and more. 

Thankfully, Mindbody Marketing Suite lets you do both: build customised email campaigns and  send highly targeted automations to your customers. 

But which emails should you automate?

Here’s the list—and reasons for automating these messages, too: 

1.  Nurture prospects automation 

You know the people who are interested in your business, but haven’t visited yet? An automated drip campaign helps nurture them from prospect to customer—with less outreach from your team. 

When writing your nurture automation, think about what prospective customers might want to read. Put to rest any hesitations they might have and make your business as accessible as possible. For example:  

  • What concerns can you address? 
  • What frequently asked questions can you answer?  
  • What additional content/resources can you provide? 
freehand salon email

2. First time visitor/welcome automation

First impressions matter. Before a client even steps foot into your business, make them feel welcome with a branded automation.

That way, when a new client signs up for their first class or service, they’ll immediately receive an email that: 

  • Greets them warmly 
  • Showcases your brand voice 
  • Includes specifics they'll need to know 

Depending on your business, your welcome email might include:  

  • What to expect
  • How to prepare for their first class/service
  • What to wear
  • What to bring
  • When to arrive
  • Where to park  
first time visitor email

 3. Happy birthday automation 

When building customer relationships, the little things make your business stand out.  

Recognising birthdays, for example, makes clients feel special and shows you care. 

Thankfully, you don’t have to keep track of every individual birthday. Instead, set up an automation that syncs with your business software and sends a birthday email and/or text message on their big day. Make the message(s) even sweeter by including a birthday discount or freebie.

birthday email

4. Loyalty program automation 

Prioritise client retention by rewarding your clients. With the Loyalty program automation, you’ll celebrate class or service milestones, and thank them for their loyalty to your business. By looking at Marketing Suite analytics, your team can celebrate with customers in-person, too.  

loyalty program email

5. “We miss you” automation 

Keeping track of who you haven’t seen in a while is a challenge. With automated emails, you can pinpoint customers based on how long it’s been since they’ve been to your business. Take all of the work out of this with the “we miss you” automation.

we miss you email

Looking for more tips to help you reach clients with your email marketing efforts? Check out our email marketing guides for fitness businesses and salons, spas, and wellness businesses.

About the author:

Lauren McAlister

Lauren McAlister

Senior Marketing Content Specialist


Lauren is the co-owner of a fitness studio and a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP). Born and raised in California, Lauren has a heart for fitness, travel, and baking. She's also passionate about crafting meaningful content for others in the wellness space, which makes her role at Mindbody a perfect fit.


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