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How to Rebuild Your Salon, Spa, or Wellness Business: Industry Best Practices

By Mindbody

January 25, 2024

Growing your salon, spa, or wellness business effectively and safely is top of mind, especially after a year of such turbulence. If it feels like mission impossible to maintain revenue while operating with limited capacity, know that we believe in you, and we’re here to help.

As discovered in our Mindbody Wellness Index, almost half of Australian’s (44%) say they feel more confident when they get regular beauty and grooming treatments. Many beauty and grooming services are seen as vital; 39% of Australians say beauty services like facials are a necessity. Across the board, we’ve seen consumers delighted to get back into regular wellness and beauty routines.

However, back when COVID-19 hit and spread, there was no guidebook on how businesses should deal with a pandemic (beyond our COVID-19 Resource Hub). But now the need has arrived to not only know how to get back on track but rebuild a better business.

Whether you’re interested in best practices to get your revenue stream back to pre-pandemic levels, tips from similar companies who have succeeded during these trying times, industry-proven advice on ways to grow, or are simply hoping to ensure safety for yourself and your clients, we have you covered.

These resources will help get your salon or spa rebuilt and generating more revenue.

Practical strategies for adaptable business management

The way salons and spas serve clients is high-touch in nature, which made 2020 insanely difficult. It is good to note, however, that 25% of consumers hope to include more high-touch services in their routine when vaccinations are distributed.*

To adapt to the challenges the current environment keeps throwing your way, we pulled together these resources for you, so you can learn from the wins and losses of businesses like yours.

Growing your business

You have big goals for growing your business and last year disrupted that. Unfortunately, many of your fellow wellness businesses were forced to shut down permanently, leaving a slew of potential clients in your area, and beyond, searching for a new place to love. Use these resources to get educated on how you can reel in those customers and grow your business.

Strengthen your foundation

Read about everything from lessons other wellness businesses have learned, to how to ensure you’re providing the best customer experience possible.

Use email marketing to recoup and increase revenue

Focus on making up for lost time, and maximise the revenue your business brings in. Read the hot tips on how to do so. 

COVID-19 Case studies

In case you’re thinking, “you’ve mentioned artificial intelligence a few times now, but how will it actually help my business?"—read these case studies.

*Mindbody. “Return to In-person Wellness Survey.” February 2021. 

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Staff Writer

Mindbody is powering the world's fitness and wellness businesses, connecting them with more consumers, more effectively, than anyone else.


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