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Here’s What’s Coming Next for Booker

By Mindbody Product Team

February 20, 2024

Reliability, accuracy, and speed matter—whether it’s your front desk staff, the tools you use to complete your services, or your business management software. This year, we’re dedicated to improving your everyday experience with the Booker features you use the most.  

Here’s what you can look forward to this year:

Improved stability and performance  

The databases and processes that run in the background of your business will continue to get some TLC this year.  

We’re continuing the backend performance improvements you gained in 2022 by investing in a dedicated Booker Stability Product Development team in 2023.   

We’re continuing the backend performance improvements you gained in 2022 and our dedicated Booker Product Performance team is proud to report a 99.99% uptime for your Booker software this year. We’re committed to further improving the stability, reliability, and speed of your bookings, payments, marketing, and business management workflows. 

Enhanced booking, memberships, and series 

Memberships have always been a great way for appointment-based businesses to secure recurring revenue, retain clients more easily, and diversify their service offering. No longer does a salon have to depend on individually scheduled haircuts, now a monthly blowout membership (or a 5-pack series) can be a source of ongoing revenue and a fun way for clients to stay up to date on their self-care.  

This year, we’ll improve the convenience of selling, booking, and using memberships for you and your clients. We plan to roll out a service-swap capability and improve visibility into accrued benefits usage changes for memberships in order to maximize membership utilization. 

Additionally, we’ll enable concurrent packages with add-on bookings in online booking. Altogether, these enhancements are sure to help increase conversions, revenue per appointment, and client retention. 

Increased accuracy in payment processing 

It may not be sexy, but payment processing is at the heart of everything you do. And because of that, payment processing needs to be reliable. This year, we’ll invest engineering hours to provide you with an even better payment processing experience. We’ll improve payment reliability by eliminating duplicate charges regardless of the payment processor. We'll also improve monitoring to ensure continued accuracy in your payment processing. 

You’ll also get expanded tipping preferences on the WisePOS device so that every client checkout experience is as seamless as possible. 

Booker customers have exciting things to look forward to in 2023. Our product and engineering team is here to support the beauty, health, and wellness experiences you bring to your clients. In this spirit, our roadmap for the rest of the year is dedicated to making your software experience enjoyable and reliable so your services shine through. It’s an honor to provide you with the best software so you can achieve your goals this year—stay tuned for these new features. 

Product and feature availability varies by region. Contact your account rep to learn more. 

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Mindbody Product Team

The Mindbody Product Team builds solutions to fuel the growth of the fitness, beauty, and wellness customers we serve. 

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