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The Power of Ambassador and Influencer Programs for Wellness Businesses

By Jennifer Pahl

September 18, 2024

As wellness business owners, we are always looking for new, creative and strategic ways to reach new customers and keep the ones we have for longer. To do so, we must continuously innovate to engage with our audience, build trust, and drive growth. One of the most effective strategies to achieve these goals is the implementation of an ambassador or influencer program.  

And no, we aren’t talking Kardashian-level “influencers”. Instead, think micro-influencers, or social media influencers who have an engaged following of less than 100,000 people. These micro influencers could be clients of yours or they could be someone from your local community who are active on social media. Either way, these are influencers who people trust and who fit well with your brand in an authentic way. 

Influencer programs leverage the reach, authenticity, and established community of individuals who are passionate about our brands.  

For many of us, this is a new territory that can feel overwhelming and scary. So, let’s first start with the WHY, then the HOW and end with easy ways we can use software to track your program’s success. 

7 Reasons Why You Should Create an Ambassador or Influencer Program

1. Builds trust and credibility

In the wellness industry, trust is paramount. Customers are more likely to engage with and purchase from brands that are recommended by someone they trust. Ambassadors and influencers often have loyal followings that value their opinions and recommendations. When they endorse your products or services, it lends credibility to your brand and fosters trust with potential customers.

2. Increases brand awareness

You may feel like you’ve already maxed out your own personal reach. This is where programs like this really shine and multiply quickly to new audiences. By partnering with individuals who align with your brand core values, you can increase your brand’s visibility and attract a new audience that is already interested in wellness. For those in my generation, think of the 1984 Fabergé Organics shampoo "Heather Locklear told two friends” where she loved the product so much, she told two friends, and they told two friends and so on.

3. Drives engagement

People are more likely to actively engage with other people they know and trust. Ambassador and influencer programs are not just about reaching a larger audience; they’re about engaging with that audience in an authentic way. Influencers often create content that resonates with their followers, encouraging likes, shares, and comments.

4. Cost-effective marketing

I know this will catch your eye! We are all looking for new ways to market that don’t break the bank. Traditional advertising like Google, Meta, and print are expensive and often doesn’t deliver the personal connection that today’s consumers crave. Ambassador and influencer marketing, on the other hand, can be a more cost-effective way to reach your target audience. Often, influencers are willing to promote brands they genuinely love in exchange for products, discounts, or even just recognition.

5. Encourages authentic content creation

This is one of the most important pieces. The reason we follow and “like” the content that our friends post is because we view it as authentic and honest. It’s more relatable and engaging than content produced directly by a company, making it more likely to resonate with potential customers.

6. Creates a community around your brand

Most of us got into this business to help foster community around wellness. When customers see people they admire endorsing your products or services, they are more likely to feel connected to your brand and its mission. This sense of community can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

7. Provides valuable feedback

We all need feedback about our business so we can continue to grow. An integral part of a program like this is incorporating a feedback loop which can be invaluable for your business. Insights and real-time feedback can help you understand what is working well and what might need improvement, allowing you to make informed decisions and continually enhance your offerings.

6 ways to create an ambassador or influencer program that sticks

  1. Identify your goals: First, you must decide why you are doing this and set goals. What do you want to achieve? What will success look like? How will you track this? Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or build a community around your brand? Start small with your first one. Learn, iterate, measure and build from there. 
  2. Choose the right ambassadors or influencers: Selecting the right individuals to represent your brand is crucial. Look for people who align with your brand core values, have an engaged audience, and are genuinely interested in your products or services. It’s not just about the number of followers they have; it’s about the quality of their engagement and their ability to connect with your target audience. Start by really paying attention to your own social channels to see who is active, engaged and a good fit for you. 
  3. Set clear expectations: Once you’ve identified a potential fit, it’s important to define what you expect from them in terms of content creation, frequency of posts, and engagement with their audience. Be sure to also outline what they can expect from you in return, whether it’s free products, discounts/monetary compensation and duration of engagement. Put this all in writing and onboard your new Ambassador with professionalism as though they were a new staff member.  
  4. Provide the necessary tools and resources: To ensure your ambassadors or influencers can effectively promote your brand, provide them with the tools and resources they need. This could include high-quality images, product information, branded hashtags, and a custom promo code for them to share and you to track. The easier it is for them to create content, the more successful your program will be. 
  5. Track performance: It’s important to track the performance of your ambassador or influencer program to see what’s working and what’s not. Monitoring metrics such as engagement rates, referral traffic, and sales can help you determine the ROI of your program and make informed decisions moving forward. Refer to the goals you set before you started to be sure you are still on the right track. 
  6. Foster relationships: Building strong relationships is key to the success of your program. Regularly check in with your influencers, provide feedback, and show appreciation for their efforts. The cadence of this should be outlined prior and communicated during onboarding.  

How to use Mindbody software to track your ambassador or influencer program

Mindbody is a valuable tool for managing and tracking your ambassador or influencer program. Here’s how you can get the most out of the reporting software:

Create a dedicated pricing option or membership: Mindbody allows you to create custom pricing options which make your ambassadors feel special and helps make them stand out to your staff. You can set up a specific membership type or package that is exclusive to your ambassadors, giving them access to special discounts, products, or services. This makes it easy to manage their benefits and ensure they feel valued. 

Track referrals: One of the key metrics for measuring the success of your program is the number of referrals they generate. Mindbody’s Marketing Suite referral tracking features allow you to monitor who is driving the most traffic to your business. You can also set up specific promo codes to track easily in the Mindbody Reports. 

Automate communication: Keeping your ambassadors and influencers engaged requires regular communication. Mindbody’s automated email and SMS features allow you to stay in touch with your ambassadors, sending them updates, product information, or reminders about upcoming promotions. This helps to keep your program running smoothly and ensures that your ambassadors have the information they need to succeed. 

Reward your ambassadors: Recognizing and rewarding your ambassadors for their efforts is crucial to maintaining their enthusiasm for your brand. Mindbody allows you to track their activity and automatically apply rewards, such as discounts or free services, based on their performance. This not only incentivizes them to continue promoting your brand, but also makes them feel appreciated for their contributions. 

Gather feedback: Mindbody’s feedback tools allow you to collect valuable insights from your ambassadors and influencers. This feedback can help you refine your program and make it even more effective. 

In our industry, where trust, authenticity, and community are key, an ambassador or influencer program can be a powerful tool for growing your brand and differentiating it from others. 

By leveraging the reach and credibility of passionate individuals, you can increase brand awareness, drive engagement, and build a loyal customer base. Mindbody software offers a comprehensive suite of tools and reports to help you manage and track your program, making it easier than ever to achieve your goals and measure your success.

Learn how Mindbody software can support your business, in influencer marketing and beyond.

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About the author:

Jennifer Pahl headshot

Jennifer Pahl


Twist Yoga

After many years spent dabbling in every fitness style known to womankind, Twist Yoga founder Jennifer Pahl literally ‘landed’ on the yoga mat with an injured shoulder and a body that can be described as anything but flexible. It quickly became clear that yoga was more than just Jennifer’s personal passion — it was her calling. So, she left her corporate career in finance behind to open Twist Yoga -a supportive studio providing yoga, meditation and functional fitness classes to the greater Portland community. Two years later, she launched Twist Your Workplace, providing corporate wellness solutions for American workplaces.

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