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Mindbody Customer Story

REGYMEN Fitness Is Growing with a Focus on Variety and Technology

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REGYMEN Fitness’s mission is to revolutionize the fitness industry with a diverse range of workout formats, all built into one fitness location. We spoke with Leah Seacrest, an operations consultant and location owner at REGYMEN, to learn more about the company's beginnings, their unique approach to fitness, and their successful partnership with Mindbody

REGYMEN Fitness was founded in 2017 by E.K. Navin, who wanted to combine the best elements of boutique fitness and offer a greater variety of workout formats. The goal was to disrupt members' routines and combat fitness boredom. By incorporating upscale experiences, live heart rate monitors, and diverse workouts, REGYMEN keeps their program interesting and ensures customers keep coming back. 

Leah emphasizes that the key to customer retention lies in the high-energy culture and community aspect fostered at REGYMEN. Members experience individual moments of celebration and achievement, which are then shared and celebrated within the community. “We feel we satisfy our customers and create a space where they can be challenged on a day-to-day basis. We change up what is contained within our three styles of workout every single day, so there continues to be a lot of variety for members.” From milestones to challenges, REGYMEN strives to create an environment where members feel supported, motivated, and part of something bigger. 

REYGMEN & Mindbody: An impactful partnership from the start 

A crucial aspect of REGYMEN's success is their partnership with Mindbody. Leah explains that the company has been using Mindbody since REGYMEN first opened up and started offering classes. The decision to choose Mindbody as their business software was influenced by team members' positive experiences with the product at previous companies. The trust, satisfaction, and familiarity with Mindbody made it an obvious choice for REGYMEN to manage their backend operations effectively. 

The partnership with Mindbody continues to thrive with the exceptional support and responsiveness provided by their strategic account manager and technical account manager. “The support we’ve gotten from our strategic account manager has been second to none. He’s always extremely responsive, as is our technical account manager. As a corporate entity, I have the trust that they have my best interests in mind.” said Leah. Since partnering with Mindbody over 6 years ago, Leah and her team have been able to rely on consistent support to help them find the right solutions and plan for strategic growth.  

The most effective Mindbody tools for REGYMEN 

Leah describes Mindbody as the most valuable tool in her operational toolbelt, enabling her to work effectively across different roles both in operations and as a location owner. As Mindbody has added more capabilities over the years, REGYMEN Fitness has been able to consolidate their software tools and rely on one platform for everything. 

When it comes to revenue generation, REGYMEN Fitness finds Mindbody's reporting to be the most effective feature. The data and insights gleaned from these reports allow them to make informed decisions and develop strategies for growth.  

Serving in two roles at REGYMEN, Leah finds these tools essential both as an owner and a corporate employee. “As a location owner, I look at our revenue, membership, and utilization reports. It helps my team and I strategize our game plan to ensure the overall success of the studio." Class performance and sales are also go-to reports for her as an owner.  “On the corporate side, [reporting] helps us analyze overall brand performance so we can adjust the support provided to our individual franchisees.” 

Rounding out their toolbelt, REGYMEN uses Mindbody Marketing Suite to reach new and existing customers, leverage automation, and scale their marketing efforts. 

Built on a foundation primed for growth 

Looking ahead, REGYMEN Fitness aims to continue growing their number of locations and solidify their position as a growing leader in the fitness space. “We see ourselves as a major competitor with the other brands at the top of the space. And we stay competitive through technology to make sure we are running efficiently, and Mindbody is the backbone of that,” said Leah. 


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